[ Attachment ]

Summary of Merger

1.Merger of au Co. Ltd. and its purpose
Through its 'Mobile and IP' strategy, KDDI has focused on actively providing service for the wireless and Internet markets through its au mobile services, and its Internet Protocol services. So far, au mobile services has been provided by KDDI Corporation and au Corporation except for its operations in Okinawa. However, KDDI has decided to absorb au Co.Ltd. from October 1, in order to provide more flexible and prompt action following the drastic changes inherent in the mobile phone business such as introduction of next generation services. This will allow KDDI to concentrate its resources and strengthen its management base.

Merger Schedule
Board Meeting to Ratify Merger Contract July 24, 2001
Merger Contract Signing July 24, 2001
Shareholder Meeting to Ratify Merger Contract August 9, 2001 (au Co., Ltd)
Merger Date October 1, 2001
Merger Registration October 1, 2001
Merger Formalities (Notes)
Following the absorption of au, KDDI will remain as the existing company, whilst au will be disbanded.
No new stock will be issued and no new allocations will be made.
There will be no merger subsidy to be paid.

Summary of Companies Involved as of March 31, 2001
(1) Company Name KDDI Corporation (to merge) au Corporation. (to be merged)
(2) Nature of Business Type 1 Telecommunications Carrier Type 1 Telecommunications Carrier
(3) Establishment Date June 1, 1984 June 1, 1987
(4) Headquarter Address
2-3-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Umeda Center Bldg. 2-4-12 Nakazaki-nishi, Kita-ku, Osaka
(5) Representatives Representative Director: Tadashi Onodera Representative Director: Toshio Okihashi
(6) Capital Stock 141,851 million yen 3,684 million yen
(7) Total Issued Stock 4,240,880.38 shares
(5,000 yen)
(50,000 yen)
(8) Shareholder's Equity 923,947,000,000 yen 127,930,000,000 yen
(9) Total Assets 2,414,088,000,000 yen 796,893,000,000 yen
(10) Accounting Date March 31 March 31
(11) Number of Employees 6,812 2,277
(12) Major Shareholders and the Ratio of Shares
Kyocera Corporation 13.5%
Toyota Corporation 11.7%
KDDI Corporation 100%
(13) Major Dealing Banks Development Bank of Japan
Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited
Sanwa Bank, Limited
Development Bank of Japan
Sanwa Bank, Limited
Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited
(14) Relations of Companies Involved
1) Capital Relations - KDDI holds 100% of au issued stocks.
2) Human Relations - 2 of KDDI's board members are concurrently au board members
3) Business relations - 20.9% of KDDI's revenues comes from au operations.
*1- The location of headquarters is as of April 1, 2001

Performance over the last three fiscal years

KDDI Corporation (to merge) au Corporation (to be merged)
Accounting Term Fiscal year
Fiscal year
Fiscal year
Fiscal year
Fiscal year
Fiscal year
Operating Revenues
(million yen)
605,510 632,665 1,151,552 274,560 288,031 519,134
Operating Income
(million yen)
34,787 62,273 57,010 23,434 1,479 13,999
Ordinary Income
(million yen)
33,648 58,648 53,064 21,849 19 10,585
Net income
(million yen)
16,867 -27,509 26,540 13,531 -938 7,799
Net Income per Share
7,416.01 -12,095.00 8,822.02 338,294.16 -23,452.14 105,853.57
Annual Dividend per Share
1,790 1,790 1,790 5,000 5,000 -
Shareholder's Equity per Share
139,938.22 126,622.93 217,866.98 1,970,347.87 1,991,643.96 1,736,301.09
Note: KDD's performance for fiscal years 1998 and 1999 includes DDI Corporation following the merger of Oct 1, 2000. au's performance for fiscal year 1998 and 1999 includes Kansai Cellular Telephone Corporation following the merger of Nov 1, 2000.

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