KDDI Launches the Tough Business "E03CA" with Rugged High Capacity Battery, Water-resistance and Anti-shock Features

KDDI Corporation
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are pleased to announce the "E03CA", a business mobile phone targeted at corporate clients that is built for long usage and comes with rugged features such as a standard high capacity battery, added security functionality and water-resistant and anti-shock features. Sales will begin from December 8th.
The "E03CA" high capacity battery reflects an urgent requirement from corporate clients. Furthermore, features such as IPX7 level (formerly JIS Protection Level 7) [1] water resistance and anti-shock durability will also enable clients in the transportation and construction industries to reduce their worries about the phone breaking or getting wet [2].
Security features have also been strengthened. A new security feature called "User Restriction Function" has been added, enabling the administrator to restrict access to the address book and e-mail. With this operation, users will thus be able to use the mobile phone as a thin client without storing any personal information.
In addition, there are many new functions designed to cater to the variety of needs of corporate clients. Examples include a remote function enables the administrator to delete data from his personal computer, and a function that allows the user to call from a fixed phone line to auto lock or delete data by repeating a set number of rings.
Functions that are most suitable for business purposes, e.g. Bluetooth® [3], Business Messenger [4] are also installed, thus contributing to business efficiency.
KDDI and Okinawa Cellular are also pleased to announce that YAMATO TRANSPORT CO., LTD., which is constantly looking to promote the work style revolution and improve customers' satisfaction level, will be the maiden user of E03CA from December.

[1] |
Retains its phone functions even when dropped quietly and submerged for 1 meter underwater for 30 minutes in a pool of still tap water at normal temperature without water seeping into its body. |
[2] |
Not a guarantee against all breakage or water seepage. |
[3] |
Bluetooth®: Function enabling users of Bluetooth®-compatible devices to communicate hands-free and send and receive pictures or files.
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Inc. USA. |
[4] |
Business Messenger: Communication service enabling up to 20 people to talk, or send and receive picture files. |

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