Q&A for 3Q of FY2014.3

Q&A for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2014

Date Thursday, January 30, 2014, 5:00 pm-5:55 pm
Location 20F Conference Room, Garden Air Tower
Respondents Takashi Tanaka, President; Hirofumi Morozumi, Executive Vice President; Makoto Takahashi, Senior Vice President; Yoshiharu Shimatani, Senior Vice President; Yuzo Ishikawa, Senior Vice President; Tsutomu Fukuzaki, Associate Senior Vice President; Hidehiko Tajima, Associate Senior Vice President; Takashi Shouji, Vice President; Hiroki Honda, General Manager, Corporate Management Division; Kenji Aketa, General Manager, Investor Relations Department (MC)

Questioner 1

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