2. Vision & Strategies
  3. Initiatives to strengthen our management foundation

Initiatives to strengthen our management foundation

Human Resources First

Maximizing organizational power to promote DX-centered business strategy

We will advance three-in-one transformation initiatives, with a new personnel system, internal DX, and work-style reforms. We will spread the KDDI version of the job-based human resource system to enable diverse people to utilize their talents to the full and to advance diversity and inclusion. To drive business strategies based on DX, we will develop all employees to be professionals and improve their DX skills through "KDDI DX University," shifting personnel to focus areas.

KDDI DX University

Carbon neutral

Aim to achieve carbon neutrality in FY2030

For carbon neutrality, in February 2022 the KDDI Group obtained SBT certification in an international initiative "SBTi." To accelerate carbon-neutrality initiatives, we will achieve carbon neutrality in fiscal 2026 for data centers and in fiscal 2030 for KDDI alone, bringing the initial target forward by 20 years, and by fiscal 2050 for the entire group. To save energy, we will work on the efficient development of 5G areas, implementing AI control in stations, sharing facilities, and bringing immersion cooling into data centers.

Carbon neutral

Strengthening group governance

Strengthening risk management and information security systems

All KDDI Group board members and employees will respect for the "KDDI Group Human Rights Policy," ensuring due diligence for human rights, including in supply chains and global businesses, thoroughly respecting human rights in our business activities. As we welcome more group companies and our businesses diversify with the advancement of the Satellite Growth Strategy, we will strengthen our group's risk management and information security systems.

Strengthening group governance