Environmental Management

KDDI Environmental Charter

KDDI Environmental Charter is composed of two tiers, the Manifesto (Approach to Global Environmental Problems) which is the highest concept, and the Action Guideline for defining the direction of concrete initiatives.


The KDDI Group recognizes the importance of fulfilling its duty as a responsible global corporate citizen to conserve and protect the Earth's irreplaceable environment that future generations will inherit. We are committed to programs featuring environmental enrichment activities that will benefit all of our descendants.
We believe the powerful driver to achieve this will be the innovations through collaborations and co-creations transcending the boarders of companies and organizations.
We do this by blending communication into every industry through the safe and secure communication platforms we provide, supporting business activities and customers in every scene solve problems. The aim is to reduce stress on the environment and play our part in bringing about a sustainable and robust society.
Furthermore, based on the state-of-the-art technologies we have developed-including communication technologies, our impact will extend to helping to solve diverse and complex societal and environmental problems and provide services capitalizing on customer touchpoints, The aim is for sustainable growth together with the environment and society, which are the foundations of our business.
We will promote growth-oriented sustainability management that creates a positive cycle for the environment, society, and economy. And through striving to bring about a decarbonized society, we will conserve biodiversity and work toward a circular economy so that the future generations can inherit the Earth's irreplaceable environment in good shape.


  • Promotion of Environmentally Friendly Businesses

    We regularly monitor the environmental impacts of our business activities and strive to achieve continuous improvement. To this end, we establish and operate the required environmental management system. We also quantitatively assess the impacts of our supply chain on the global environment and promote initiatives to reduce environmental impacts. We have set targets for each of these measures and are carrying out activities. Specific measures are outlined below.

    1. (1)Achieving a decarbonized society
      To protect ecosystems and society from the serious impacts of climate change, we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and realizing a decarbonized society through energy conservation at base stations and increased use of renewable energy.
    2. (2)Building a circular economy
      We contribute to achieving a circular economy by continuously and actively promoting resource recycling and appropriate waste management to prevent depletion of biological resources and deterioration of the natural environment.
    3. (3)Conserving biodiversity
      Informed by the perspective of biodiversity, we are committed to eliminating or reducing the impacts of our business activities on the natural environment in important areas in Japan and abroad. We also promote conservation activities through projects such as restoration and rehabilitation that exceed the impacts on nature attributable to our business activities.
  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations

    We comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and requirements.

  • Development and Provision of Products and Services in Collaboration with Stakeholders

    We strive to develop and provide services that contribute to solving environmental issues in society and communities by utilizing ICT technical data and other resources. We are also committed to creating environmental value by deepening collaboration and cooperation with various stakeholders, including local communities, NGOs/NPOs, and partner companies.

  • Disclosure and Communication

    To raise employees' environmental awareness of the impacts of our business activities on the environment, we encourage understanding through training and other internal awareness programs, and we actively communicate and disclose information to internal and external stakeholders.