KDDI Group Human Rights Policy

The KDDI Group Human Rights Policy

The KDDI Group strives to resolve social issues as a company that supports the information infrastructure of society based on the KDDI Group Mission Statement: "The KDDI Group values and cares about the material and emotional well-being of all its employees, and delivers a thrilling customer experience by always going further than expected with the ultimate goal of achieving a truly connected society."

We recognize that respect for human rights is an important social responsibility and pledge to contribute to the sustainable growth of society by implementing actions based on the KDDI Group Philosophy and the KDDI Code of Business Conduct to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.

We will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights by not violating the human rights of others and by taking appropriate measures to remediate any actual or potential adverse impact on human rights that may occur through our business activities.

If an adverse impact on human rights caused by our suppliers or business partners is directly linked to the KDDI Group's businesses, services, and products, we will require those concerned not to violate human rights.

The KDDI Group Human Rights Policy ("the Policy") is based on the KDDI Group Mission Statement and clarifies our efforts to respect human rights in order to fulfill our responsibilities to all stakeholders.

1. Compliance with international standards and laws

As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we will support and respect international standards on human rights including the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO)'s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Children's Rights and Business Principles. We will formulate the Policy in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and promote efforts to respect human rights.

We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which we have business operations. In the event that there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will seek ways to respect international standards of human rights to the greatest extent possible.

2. Scope of application

The Policy applies to all executives and employees of the KDDI Group (including full-time, contract, and temporary employees). We will also require our suppliers and business partners not to violate human rights in accordance with international standards on human rights.

3. Governance for human rights

At the KDDI Group, the Sustainability Committee chaired by the President and Representative Director will formulate policies on human rights activities, develop and revise promotion systems, and confirm the progress toward targets. Important matters will be reported to and supervised by the Board of Directors via the Corporate Management Committee.

4. Regular implementation of human rights due diligence

We will establish a human rights due diligence system in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and will continuously implement the matters outlined below. Of the human rights issues that may arise in all business activities of the KDDI Group, human rights issues that are of particular importance are separately listed in the appendix, and appropriate measures will be taken to address them.

  • Identifying and assessing adverse impacts on human rights

    We will identify and evaluate actual or potential adverse impacts of the KDDI Group's business activities on human rights. Recognizing that the environment surrounding human rights may change over time, we will conduct regular assessments of impacts on human rights.

  • Preventing and mitigating adverse impacts on human rights

    In order to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts on human rights, we will integrate measures based on the results of impact assessments into the organization's processes and take appropriate action. We will give priority to addressing those impacts that most affect stakeholders when promoting initiatives.

    We will also provide all executives and employees with appropriate education and training to promote understanding of the Policy and human rights awareness. At the same time, we will strive to deepen the understanding of our suppliers and business partners regarding the Policy.

  • Tracking of effectiveness of mitigation measures

    In order to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, we will continuously track the implementation status of measures for preventing and mitigating adverse impacts on human rights, and periodically confirm the effectiveness of these measures.

  • Information disclosure

    We will appropriately disclose the progress and results of our efforts to respect human rights in our Sustainability Report and on our website.

5. Remedies

Should it become evident that the business activities of the KDDI Group cause or contribute to adverse impacts on human rights, we will take adequate measures for their remediation.

As an effective remedy, we will establish and operate a reporting channel available to internal and external stakeholders. We will guarantee anonymity and confidentiality of whistleblowers and ensure that they will not be disadvantaged as a result of making reports.

6. Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders

We will strive to improve our efforts to respect human rights by engaging in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders in response to actual or potential adverse impacts on human rights. We will also periodically review the Policy, including important human rights issues, based on the results of dialogue and consultation with stakeholders.

The Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of KDDI CORPORATION and signed by the President and Representative Director.

Established on March 15, 2016
Revised on October 20, 2022
Revised on July 31, 2023
Revised on January 5, 2024
Revised on August 9, 2024
Makoto Takahashi

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Important Human Rights Issues of the KDDI Group

Pursuit of the well-being of our employees and promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion

Recognizing the importance of employees' material and emotional well-being in order to remain an active company with happy employees, the KDDI Group respects the rights of its employees including the opportunity to adopt diverse workstyles. We will also pay close attention to and take appropriate action against human rights violations not only by our employees but also by those working in the supply chain.

  • Prohibition of discrimination and harassment

    Discrimination or harassment based on gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, origin, ideology, creed, religion, disease, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual expression or other factors are prohibited in every aspect of business activity. Furthermore, we ensure equal pay for equal work and adhere to statutory minimum wage regulations.

  • Establishment of a safe and healthy work environment

    We ensure the safety and health of all employees including the management of appropriate working hours and create a lively and comfortable work environment.

  • Prohibition of forced labor and child labor

    We strictly prohibit labor practices that violate human rights, including any and all forms of forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor.

  • Respect for rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining

    We respect basic labor rights including the right to freedom of association and workers' right to collective bargaining.

Ethical use of technology and data to support innovation

We will promote innovation centered on telecommunications and aim to deliver a thrilling customer experience by always going further than expected. In addition, we will contribute to the sustainable growth of society by appropriately responding to adverse impacts of technological developments and data on human rights and committing to their ethical use.

  • Preventing human rights violations caused by technological development

    Recognizing that new technologies may lead to human rights violations such as unfair discrimination, we are committed to the research and development, utilization and social implementation of technology based on a high sense of ethics.

  • Protection of privacy and respect for freedom of expression

    We will protect our customers' privacy through strict security measures and appropriate management of personal information, and we will respect freedom of expression in all countries and regions.

Provision of services and products that take human rights into consideration

In order to realize a safe, secure, and prosperous society, we will respect human rights in our provision of services and products and make efforts to ensure that our customers can use our products with confidence. We are also committed to ensuring that no adverse impacts on human rights arise in the supply chain.

  • Respect for human rights in the provision of services and products

    We make every effort to provide services and products that take the health and safety of our customers into consideration, while taking the utmost care to ensure that we do not use expressions that could lead to discrimination and harassment in our services, products and advertisements.

  • Provision of user-friendly services and products

    We will provide services and products that all people, regardless of age or disability, can use with peace of mind and comfort. We will work to ensure accessibility to services for the elderly, people with disabilities, and people with physical and mental limitations.

  • Harmonization with local communities and elimination of human rights violations in the supply chain

    We will consider the human rights of local residents in the construction of facilities, and take the utmost care to prevent human rights violations such as the use of conflict minerals in the supply chain.

  • Prevention of adverse human rights impacts of climate change

    We will strive to prevent adverse impacts of climate change on human rights and work to mitigate environmental impacts throughout the value chain.