Corporate Information
KDDI's Approach (Biodiversity)
KDDI, together with its suppliers and partners, will promote initiatives to conserve biodiversity and achieve zero deforestation through our business to realize a society that coexists with nature.
We aim to reduce the impact of our business activities on biodiversity and achieve no net loss and net positive impact at the sites containing globally or nationally important biodiversity.
First, we will avoid land-use changes due to the construction of communications facilities in and around biodiversity area. If the construction is unavoidably accompanied by land-use changes, we will apply a mitigation hierarchy to minimize the impact on biodiversity, restore it, and achieve no net deforestation by FY 2030.
KDDI TNFD Report based on the TNFD framework
KDDI endorses the principles of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) and joined the TNFD Forum in April 2023. Also, KDDI registered as a TNFD Adopter. KDDI proactively disclose information based on the TNFD disclosure framework. We analyzed our dependency and impact on nature, business risks and opportunities, and take specific measures and actions to address them. For more information, please refer to the KDDI TNFD Report. This report references TNFD Recommendations v1.0 published in September 2023.
"Cohabiting with Storks" Smart Agriculture Project
KDDI has teamed up Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture to proceed with the Smart Agriculture Project in Toyooka City since 2018. Toyooka City has worked on biodiversity-friendly rice production, the Stork-friendly Farming since 2005. The Smart Agriculture Project in Toyooka City managed to reduce manpower for water management by 65% by taking advantage of KDDI's IoT technology, and is working to solve other problems. Not just to increase harvest, but also to achieve the common goal of cohabiting with storks, the local government, producers, and the company are collaborating with each other from different standpoints.
Environmental Education for Children, "KDDI Field Guide on Plants and Forest Wildlife"
KDDI has held a class on creating a field guide on plants and forest wildlife at elementary schools since April 2018. This class is free environmental education utilizing IoT with the aim of promoting the understanding of environment protection and biodiversity. Children are encouraged to use a tablet to take pictures of plants and insects that they can find in a school yard and create an original field guide based on the pictures they took. Attended by approximately 450 children of eight elementary schools in total, this initiative was recognized as an excellent practice of experimental activities for youths, and received the judging panel award of excellence of the Awards for Companies Promoting Experience-based Learning Activities for Youth in FY2020 organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on March 12, 2021.
KDDI's Approach
KDDI has setted targets for risk reduction and the creation of business opportunities through its business activities under the "KDDI GREEN PLAN" with the aim of "Conserving biodiversity". To achieve these goals, the KDDI Group promotes activities, participates in initiatives, and joins organizations.
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