ESG Data

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) data for our business activities is available below.
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Items Related to Organizational Structure and Operations

Item Unit As of September 1, 2023
Organizational form - Company with board of company auditors
Number of independent directors/auditors Person 7
Female independent directors/auditors 2
Items Related to Directors
Number of directors prescribed in the articles of incorporation Person 20
Tenure period of directors prescribed in the articles of incorporation Year 1
Presiding officer of Board of Directors - Chair (President and Chair person are separate posts)
Number of directors Person 12
Female directors 2
Number of outside directors Person 6
Female outside directors 2
Number of outside directors designated as independent directors Person 4
Femle outside directors designated as independent directors 2
Items Related to Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Number of auditors prescribed in the articles of incorporation Person 5
Number of auditors Person 5 (All Male)
Outside auditors - Appointed
Number of outside auditors Person 3 (All Male)
Number of outside auditors designated as independent members Person 3 (All Male)
Number of executives [Jump to the applicable section1] Male Person 31
Female 2
Total 33
Implementation of anti-takeover measure - Not implemented
President and Representative Director remuneration/average KDDI employee annual salary Times 23
  • [1]
    Excluding Executive Officer, Director (4 persons)

Board of Directors Meetings

Item Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of meetings held Times 12 12 11 12 11
Internal directors' attendance rate % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Outside directors' attendance rate % 96.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Outside auditors' attendance rate % 94.3 97.2 90.9 100.0 100.0


Remuneration for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (FY2022)
Executive classification Unit Total remuneration by type
Total remuneration Basic remuneration Bonus Stock compensation Number of eligible members
(Unit: Person)
Directors (excluding outsided irectors) Million yen 824 338 307 180 9
Outside directors 106 106 - - 7
Audit & Supervisory Board members (excluding outside members) 69 69 - - 3
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board members 65 65 - - 3
  • The number of directors and the amount paid above include 3 directors and 1 outside director who retired at the conclusion of the 38th Annual Shareholders Meeting held on June 22, 2022. In addition, the number of bonus recipients is the 6 excluding the retirees.
  • The number and amount of auditors paid above include 1 auditor who retired at the conclusion of the 38th Annual Shareholders Meeting held on June 22, 2022.
  • In addition to the above, adjustment payments to directors in lieu of retirement allowance were resolved at the 20th Annual Shareholders Meeting held on June 24, 2004 in connection with the cancellation of the executive retirement bonus system.
  • The basic remuneration and bonuses above are monetary remunerations, while stock compensation is non-monetary remuneration.
Total Remunerations and Bonuses of Board Members Who Receive Over 100 Million Yen (FY2022: 5 people)
Name Executive classification Unit Total remuneration by type
Total remuneration Basic remuneration Bonus Stock compensation
Takashi Tanaka Director Million yen 164 64 64 36
Makoto Takahashi Director 223 76 93 54
Shinichi Muramoto Director 116 48 43 25
Keiichi Mori Director 105 44 38 23
Toshitake Amamiya Director 103 42 38 23
  • The basic remuneration and bonuses above are monetary remunerations, while stock compensation is non-monetary remuneration.


Item Boundary Coverage
Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Compliance Consultations Received (whistleblowing) Harassments Group - Case 151 173 220 130 259
Other compliance violations Case 179 296 451 426 402
Total Case 330 469 671 556 661
Measures to disseminate the KDDI Code of Business Conduct KDDI - Times/year 12 12 [Jump to the applicable section1] [Jump to the applicable section1] [Jump to the applicable section1]
Total Contributions & Expenditures for Political Influence Political donations (in Japan) KDDI - Ten thousand yen 600 600 600 600 600
Lobbying - - - - 0
Expenses for Trade - - - - 0
Expenses for Trade - - - - 0
Legal action due to corruption or bribery KDDI - Case 0 0 0 0 0
Code of conduct and ethics breaches Bribery cases KDDI - Case - - - - 0
Personnel and labor management related KDDI - Case - - - - 0
Conflicts of interest related KDDI - Case - - - - 0
Money laundering or Insider trading related KDDI - Case - - - - 0
Violations, Including Human Rights Infringements and Harassment Discrimination and harassment related KDDI - Case - - - - 1
Violation of environmental laws and regulations KDDI - Case 0 0 0 0 0
Violation of the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations KDDI - Case 0 0 0 0 0
  • [1]
    Distribution of web shortcuts related to the KDDI Code of Business Conduct to business mobile devices of all employees, making it viewable anytime (changes in measures)

Income tax by region (FY2022)

Country/Regions Unit Revenue Profit before tax Income tax accrued (excluding tax effect) Income tax paid Number of employees
(Unit: Person)
Domestic total 100 Million Yen 55,146 10,598 2,880 2,840 44,095
Other total 100 Million Yen 1,571 180 72 85 5,564
Amount on the consolidated financial statements 100 Million Yen 56,717 10,778 2,952 2,926 49,659
  • Based on the consolidated financial statements
  • Names of entities and primary activities are listed below KDDI Group
    KDDI Group