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Corporate Governance
The Basic Policy for Constructing an Internal Control System
The Basic Policy for Constructing an Internal Control System
Based on the provisions of Article 362, Paragraph 5 of the Companies Act, KDDI passed the Basic Policy for Constructing an Internal Control System at a meeting of the Board of Directors and issued a public announcement. KDDI aims to ensure fair, transparent and efficient execution of its corporate duties and to maintain an effective system for internal controls.
The Basic Policy for Constructing an Internal Control System is described below.
1 Corporate Governance
(1) The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of both internal and external Directors, who make decisions on matters such as management plans and important legal matters as stipulated by laws and ordinances based on the Board's regulations and Agenda standards. In addition, the Board oversees the competent execution of business duties by the Directors themselves.
Information pertaining to the execution of business duties by the Directors must be stored and managed appropriately in accordance with internal regulations. -
(2) System for executing business duties
[1] The Executive Officers' System aims to clarify both the delegation of authority and responsibility system, as well as ensure that tasks are executed effectively and efficiently.
[2] The Corporate Management Committee, which is composed of Directors and Executive Officers, shall discuss and determine important matters pertaining to the execution of tasks, as well as discussing and determining the Board's Agenda items, based on the Corporate Management Committee regulations.
(3) System for ensuring the effective execution of business duties by Audit & Supervisory Board Members
[1] Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall attend the Meetings of the Board of Directors, and steps shall be taken to allow them to attend the principle internal meetings of the company as well as view items such as the minutes of important meetings, requests for decisions, and contracts.
[2] The Board of Directors and staff, the Directors, etc. of subsidiaries, and the Internal Auditing Division shall provide the Audit & Supervisory Board Members with timely, appropriate reporting of information necessary for executing the business duties of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and if matters are discovered that pose a risk of significant damage to our company and the subsidiaries, they shall be reported immediately to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members. In addition, the Board of Directors and staff, the Directors, etc. of subsidiaries, and the Internal Auditing Division shall aim to collaborate with the Audit & Supervisory Board Members by exchanging opinions and ideas.
[3] The Auditing Office is established to support the business duties of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and it deploys full-time staff. Each Audit & Supervisory Board Member has the right to provide instructions to such staff members, and consent must be obtained in advance from the Audit & Supervisory Board or the Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member specified by the Audit & Supervisory Board, prior to making staffing decisions related to the Auditing Office.
[4] Steps shall be taken to ensure that a person who has reported to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall not suffer any consequences on account of having made such report.
[5] The Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall receive payment, including advance payment, for costs required by them to carry out their duties.
2 Compliance
(1) All Directors and employees should continuously maintain high ethical standards in accordance with the basic principles set forth in the 'KDDI Action Guideline,' which should be complied with, and aim to execute their business duties properly.
(2) Firm measures should be taken against antisocial forces, and efforts should be made to sever all such relationships.
(3) Each KDDI Group company shall make efforts to promptly identify and resolve any serious violation of laws and ordinances or other compliance-related matters or incidents, at KDDI Group company meetings pertaining to business ethics.
(4) KDDI shall aim to appropriately operate a whistle-blowing system established both internally and externally to the company.
(5) KDDI shall strive to improve understanding and awareness of compliance through in-house training and education as well as outside training lectures.
3 Risk management for achieving business goals fairly and efficiently
(1) KDDI shall conduct business risk analyses, stringently prioritize business activities and formulate appropriate business strategies and business plans at meetings participated in by Directors concerning business strategy, with the objective of continuous growth for the KDDI Group. To achieve this, business risk should be monitored monthly at meetings pertaining to performance management, and this performance should be managed thoroughly.
(2) KDDI shall appoint an Internal Control Officer in each division, and the Internal Control Officer shall autonomously promote the following initiatives so that business objectives may be achieved fairly and efficiently.
[1] All Divisions and their Directors shall work in cooperation with the Risk Management Division, which regularly identifies and uniformly manages risk information. The KDDI Group's risks shall be managed appropriately and in accordance with internal regulations, and efforts shall be made to achieve business objectives fairly and efficiently.
[2] KDDI shall examine measures for minimizing the risk of business interruptions as much as possible in order to respond to events which could have serious and long-term effects on corporate business.
[3] In accordance with the internal control reporting system based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, KDDI shall implement documentation, assessment and improvement of the state of company-wide internal control and of important business processes on a consolidated basis, with the aim of further improving the reliability of financial reporting.
[4] KDDI shall aim to maintain and enhance the systems necessary to improve the quality of business duties of the KDDI Group, including enhancement of the effectiveness and efficiency of business duties and appropriate acquisition, safekeeping and disposal of assets.
(3) In its role as a telecommunications carrier, KDDI shall pursue the following initiatives.
[1] Protecting the privacy of communications
Protecting the privacy of communications is at the very root of the KDDI Group's corporate management, and the Group will abide by this. -
[2] Information Security
KDDI aims to manage the company's total information assets, including preventing leaks of customer information and cyber-terrorism of networks for telecommunications services, by formulating measures at meetings pertaining to information security to ensure this security in cooperation with the Directors and employees. -
[3] Recovering networks and services in times of disaster
In order to minimize as much as possible the risk of a termination or interruption to telecommunications services in the event that a major accident, obstruction or large-scale disaster occurs, a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) shall be formulated and measures shall be implemented to improve network reliability and prevent the halting of services.
In order to facilitate a prompt recovery in times of emergency or disaster, a Disaster Response Headquarters shall be established as expeditiously as possible.
4 Initiatives relating to working together with stakeholders
(1) The whole company shall make efforts to gain support and trust for all KDDI Group activities, improve customer satisfaction, and strengthen and expand the company's customer base.
[1] The company shall engage in CX (Customer Experience) activities that aim to improve the value of the customer experience, through the implementation of prompt and appropriate responses to customer needs and complaints.
[2] In addition to providing customers with safe, secure, high-quality products and services in compliance with the pertinent laws and regulations, information about products and services should be provided in an easy-to understand format and indicated appropriately, so that customers can select and use the most appropriate product and/or service.
(2) In order to gain the understanding and trust of all stakeholders, transparency of KDDI Group management shall be ensured, and efforts shall be made to further enhance the PR and IR activities of the KDDI Group.
(3) The KDDI Group's business risk shall be fairly identified and disclosed in a timely and appropriate manner at meetings pertaining to information disclosure. In addition, our Sustainability Reports shall be created and disclosed, centering on those departments promoting sustainability, for matters pertaining to the KDDI Group's social responsibilities, including its environmental efforts and contributions to society.
5 Systems for ensuring business suitability of corporate groups
(1) To ensure business suitability in subsidiaries, regulations pertaining to the management of subsidiaries shall be defined, and the systems described below shall be established.
[1] The investment management division in charge of the management of each subsidiary, as well as the general management division that extends across the subsidiaries, shall be defined in order to establish a system of management and support for subsidiaries.
[2] Subsidiary management roles pertaining to the Directors, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and other staff dispatched to each subsidiary shall be defined in order to ensure the effectiveness of subsidiary governance.
[3] For decision-making on important matters at subsidiaries, the matters to be approved and approval procedures by the Board of Directors, the Corporate Management Committee, etc. shall be defined in order to establish the subsidiary management system.
[4] The matters covered in reports, as well as the procedures, shall be defined for subsidiaries in order to establish a system of collaboration with subsidiaries.
(2) KDDI shall appoint an Internal Control Officer in each subsidiary to ensure appropriate business operations in each subsidiary, as well as to promote proper risk management and reduction measures, so as to achieve business goals fairly and efficiently.
(3) In addition to working, through meetings in each subsidiary pertaining to the business ethics, to promptly identify and resolve any serious violation of laws and ordinances by a subsidiary or any other compliance-related matter or incident, a whistle-blowing system shall be introduced and properly operated at each subsidiary. In addition, all subsidiary employees shall at all times maintain high ethical standards in accordance with the KDDI Action Guideline, and promotion shall be implemented to ensure that a system is in place whereby business duties are carried out appropriately.
6 Internal Audits
Internal audits are conducted for all aspects of business of the KDDI Group, and the suitability and effectiveness of the Internal Control system is verified regularly. The results of internal audits are reported to the President with suggestions for points that can be improved or revised, and a report is also made to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
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