Corporate Information
Investor Relations
Corporate Governance
Disclosure and IR
Disclosure and IR
The Company is fully committed to undertaking fair and timely disclosure in an easily understandable manner of any information that could have a material bearing on the investment decisions of investors. Such disclosure is conducted on an ongoing basis, and is focused on the requirements of shareholders and investors. The Company's policy in this regard is in line with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Securities Listing Regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. governing the timely disclosure of information concerning the issuers of publicly listed securities. KDDI discloses its IR Basic Policy [1] on its website, explaining such matters as fundamental thinking regarding IR activities and the system for disclosing pertinent information. In particular, KDDI has set up a Disclosure Committee that concentrates on determining what information should be disclosed with the goal of improving business transparency and supplying appropriate information to the public.
IR Basic Policy
KDDI places top management priority on building a trusting relationship with its shareholders and investors, ensuring value-oriented corporate management, active information disclosure, and enhanced communication.
Three IR Activity Guidelines
Through IR based on the activity guidelines outlined below, we strive to build long-term, trust-based relationships with shareholders and investors, as well as maximize our corporate value.
IR Activities
Enhancing Communication
Financial results briefings are held quarterly to explain the company's business performances directly from our management. In addition, KDDI is continuously working to enhance communication with investors in and outside Japan by holding individual meetings and small meetings, and participating in various conferences sponsored by securities firms.
Along with quarterly financial results disclosures, financial results briefings for analysts and institutional investors are held four times a year.
Our directors and the IR department hold individual meetings with analysts and institutional investors in Europe, North America, Asia and other regions on each quarterly financial results to explain KDDI's financial status and future strategies.
Activities | Supplementary Explanation | Explanations by the Representative Himself/Herself | FY 3/2024 |
Preparation and Publication of Disclosure Policy | The "IR Basic Policy," formulated by the Board of Directors, guides the Company's IR activities. The Company posts this policy on its website. | ||
Regular Investor Briefings for Analysts and Institutional Investors | Four times each year, the company convenes earnings presentation meetings for analysts and institutional investors, coinciding with its disclosure of quarterly earnings. These meetings can be observed via live and on-demand video distribution. In addition, each quarter the Company's directors and other personnel visit its institutional investors in Japan to provide explanations of the Company's financial condition and future strategies. |
Yes | 4 times |
Regular Investor Briefings for Overseas Investors | Although each quarter, the Company's directors and other personnel visit institutional investors in regions including Europe, the United States, and Asia to provide explanations of the Company's financial condition and future strategies. The Company held interviews by conference calls and video conferences including participation in conferences sponsored by securities companies in Japan and overseas. |
Yes | 10 times |
Segment-specific Briefings for Analysts and Institutional Investors | The company holds briefings on our business strategies and tours of our facilities. The briefings and explanatory materials are posted on our website. | 3 times | |
Individual Meetings for Japan and Overseas Institutional Investors | The company has individual meeting with Japan and Overseas (Europe, the United States and Asia) institutional investors. | Yes | Approximately 659 interviews |
Posting of IR Materials on Website | The Company posts various IR materials on our website. (Materials posted)
Establishment of Department and/or Manager in Charge of IR | The Company has set up an Investor Relations Department within the Corporate Management Division. This department comprises 14 employees, including the department manager. |
Active Information Disclosure
KDDI provides webcasts of its results presentations on its website, and also posts an English-language version of its results presentations. Earnings reports, financial statements and operational data, information related to corporate governance, and other types of disclosure documents are made available. This data can also be viewed on our IR app and website, which are compatible with multiple devices.
Moreover, in our small meetings, we provided on-demand streaming of certain briefings on the Company website. As a result of our IR activities, KDDI has received excellent evaluations recently.
Regarding our small meetings, we provide on-demand streaming of certain briefings on our website.
As a result of our IR activities, in FY24.3, KDDI won "Internet IR 2023 Excellence Award" by Daiwa Investor Relations
Co., Ltd., and was selected as an "IR Improvement Premium Company" by the Japan Investor Relations Association.
Additionally, "KDDI Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report 2023" published last year was selected among the 70 outstanding integrated reports by domestic equity managers of the GPIF.
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