KDDI's Material Issues for CSR: Initiatives to Conserve the Global Environment

Material Issue:
Initiatives to Conserve the Global Environment
Social Issues and Recognition Risks and Opportunities for KDDI
Risks Opportunities
In these times when global warming is evident, along with measures to mitigate global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, people are asking about adaptations to global warming where nature and society are changing in response to the effect on the global environment. In 2015, the Paris Agreement was established, calling for a global effort to hold the global temperature rise since the industrial revolution to less than 2˚C and to strive to limit the increase to less than 1.5˚C. For companies, making simultaneous efforts to mitigate and adapt to this issue is important. Global warming and other climate change and large-scale natural disasters Mitigation of and adaptation to these risks

Environmental Management Regime

To clearly define a unified approach to management, CSR, and the environment, KDDI has established the CSR Committee to deliberate important matters regarding the environment, headed by the general manager of the Corporate Sector, with the CSR & Environment Management Department serving as the secretariat. The results of those deliberations are disseminated among the business divisions and affiliates and reflected in their targets. The results are disseminated through the Environment Committee, which is headed by the executive in charge of CSR with the CSR & Environment Management Department acts as secretariat. Committee members include representatives of each department and Group company with ISO 14001 certification.
The KDDI Group is working to promote a Group-wide management structure centered around the CSR & Environment Management Department, which collaborates with other relevant departments.

Implementation of the Third Medium-Term Environmental Conservation Plan

KDDI formulated and promoted its five-year environmental conservation plan, "KDDI GREEN PLAN 2012-2016," the final year of which was the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017.
Under this plan, we took steps targeting a 30% reduction in electric power consumption compared with the level if energy-saving measures had not been implemented. In telecommunications equipment, which accounts for 98% of KDDI's electricity consumption, we reorganized base stations, developed electricity-saving base stations, and streamlined our network to achieve a 41.8% decrease in electricity consumption.

KPIs for FY2017.3 (Example)

Formulation of the Fourth Environmental Conservation Plan

KDDI has formulated a new environmental conservation plan, "KDDI GREEN PLAN 2017-2030." Based on the long-term Paris Agreement targets adopted by COP21 in 2015 and on the Japanese government's plan for global warming countermeasures, this long-term plan through the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031, the plan establishes a target for reducing our CO2 emissions by 7% compared to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014. With the goal of achieving this target, KDDI will utilize renewable energy and employ a variety of other methods to reduce CO2 emissions.

KDDI GREEN PLAN 2017-2030.

Overview of KDDI GREEN PLAN 2017-2030

  • 1.
    Climate Action
    • 7% reduction in CO2 emission in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031 compared to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 for KDDI (in Japan, non-consolidated)
    • Upgrading to highly energy-efficient data centers in Japan and abroad
    • Contributing to reductions in society's CO2 emissions by providing KDDI's ICT services
  • 2.
    Creating a Recycling-Oriented Society
    • Maintain zero emissions [1] from retired telecommunications facilities
    • Maintain recycling rate of used mobile phone materials of 99.8%
    • [1]
      Zero emissions are defined as having a final disposal rate of 1% or less.
  • 3.
    Conservation of Biodiversity
    • Active promotion of initiatives using ICT to conserve ecosystems

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