KDDI's Material Sustainability Issues: An Energy-Efficient, Circular Economy

Material Issue
An Energy-Efficient, Circular Economy
Social Issues and Recognition Risks and Opportunities for KDDI
Risks Opportunities
In 2015, the Paris Agreement went into force, calling for a global effort to hold the global temperature rise since the industrial revolution to less than 2°C and to strive to limit the increase to less than 1.5°C.
In corporate activity as well, companies are being expected to establish numerical targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and response measures to address global warming.
  • Regulations and policies of each country and region that influence the business activities of corporations, such as energy-saving standards, carbon taxes and missions Trading
  • Opportunity for business growth by building environmentally friendly base stations, and providing services in each country and region that reduce society's environmental impact through the use of ICT

KDDI's Approach to Environmental Preservation

Based on the KDDI Group Philosophy and the KDDI Action Guidelines, we have established the KDDI Environmental Charter. The Charter consists of two layers: the Basic Principle, which is its highest concept, and the Code of Conduct for setting the direction of specific initiatives.
We have also formulated the KDDI Action Guidelines on Biodiversity Conservation to multilaterally assess our contributions toward the preservation of biodiversity, and to promote activities across a wide range of opportunities.
Since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, we also formulated the KDDI GREEN PLAN 2017-2030, an environmental conservation plan that calls for climate action, the creation of a recycling-oriented society, and the conservation of biodiversity through the use of ICT services.

Highlights Improved Energy Efficiency at TELEHOUSE

The KDDI Group provides data centers under the TELEHOUSE brand in 12 regions, 23 cities and 47 bases around the world. The centers have built a track record about 30 years, and utilize that expertise in providing services to customers.
TELEHOUSE data centers employ the latest energy-saving equipment, working to reduce power consumption, achieve low PUE [1], and provide significant reductions in CO2 emissions.
In November 2016, KDDI Group's TELEHOUSE EUROPE commenced operation of North Two, its fourth data center at TELEHOUSE LONDON Docklands, with a total floor area of 73,000 m2, one of the largest in England. As an urban, multi-story data center, North Two is the first in the world [2] to deploy an indirect external air cooling system to achieve a PUE of 1.16 (design value), the highest-level energy efficiency for a data center operator.
As a result, in June 2017 TELEHOUSE EUROPE was awarded the Data Centre Energy Efficiency Project of the Year for its energy efficiency, at the 2017 Data Centre Solution Awards, which recognize companies that have made innovative achievements in data center-related technology and services.

  • [1]
    PUE: Power Usage Effectiveness. An index representing the energy efficiency of data centers and other IT-related facilities. The closer the figure is to 1.0, the better the power efficiency.
  • [2]
    As of November 2016, according to KDDI research

TELEHOUSE LONDON Docklands North Two

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