KDDI's Material Sustainability Issues: Respect for Human Rights and Fairness in Business

Material Issue
Respect for Human Rights and Fairness in Business
Social Issues and Recognition Risks and Opportunities for KDDI
Risks Opportunities
As value chains expand on a global scale, companies are taking a greater interest in respecting human rights, and in the impact our business has on the international community.
In particular, sexual harassment issues represent a major violation of human rights internationally, and in telecommunications, a similar violation of human rights can be seen on social media, through posting of photos, slander and personally damaging information.
With regard to fairness in business, companies are expected to respond in particular to issues such as anti-corruption measures, dealing with anti-social forces, and human rights throughout supply chains.
  • Damage to corporate brand value and impeding the sustainable development of society due to unaddressed human rights violations
The sound growth of KDDI's business through the achievement of a society free of human rights violations and the building of business Activity

Human Rights Initiatives Aimed at Fair and Honest Business Practices

KDDI makes efforts to eliminate discrimination based on race, creed, gender, social status, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or mental or physical disability. We work to correct or eliminate labor practices that violate human rights, such as forced and child labor.
To promote these activities, KDDI has built a governance structure based on a variety of committees, including the KDDI Group Business Ethics Committee and Sustainability Committee. At the same time, we implement measures throughout the year to ensure employees understand and put into practice the KDDI Group Philosophy and the KDDI Code of Business Conduct. With our suppliers, we build partnerships based on mutual trust, and work to conduct business appropriately through fair and honest business dealings. We also use our CSR procurement surveys and other methods in asking that our suppliers ensure strict compliance with these practices.

Highlights LGBT Initiatives

There are laws in Japan regarding gender change for people with gender identity disorder, and while there is a growing trend toward recognition of same-sex marriage in an increasing number of countries and regions outside Japan, understanding and support for such human rights in companies is still inadequate.
In light of this situation, since the fiscal year ended March 31,2014, KDDI has promoted activities within the Company to raise awareness about LGBT issues, which has advanced understanding among employees and spread awareness throughout the Company.
KDDI is also working to advance initiatives such as the au "Family Discount" as part of its efforts to enlighten society as a whole.

Programs Applicable to Same-sex Partner Families and Spouses

On April 1, 2017, KDDI revised its internal regulations to include same-sex partners as spouses, making them eligible for all company programs. [1]
Upon submission and acceptance of the required paperwork, same-sex partners can benefit from the same programs offered to other spouses of employees, including special payments, leave, as well as other allowances of an ongoing nature.

  • [1]
    Applicable company programs: Housing allowance, unaccompanied duty allowance, special payment for marriage, special leave (mourning, marriage, maternity, childcare and family care), child-raising leave, use of company housing, etc.

Application of Same-sex Partnerships to au "Family Discount," etc.

Beginning in July 2015, KDDI expanded eligibility for a number of family-oriented services, including the au "Family Discount," to include families with same-sex partners when formal certification of the same-sex partnership is provided under local government ordinance.

LGBT Initiatives

Initiatives Description
Establish Provisions in the KDDI Code of Business Conduct (Basic Principles) Establish provisions to prohibit unjustifiable discrimination and harm to personal dignity on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, age, nationality and other personal characteristics, and publicize them widely both inside and outside the Company.
Conduct educational activities to promote understanding Seminars and e-learning courses aimed at improving understanding of LGBT issues have been conducted on an ongoing basis since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014.
Change the definition of spouse, and apply the change to company regulations When KDDI recognizes an employee as having a same-sex partner, that employee is eligible for all company programs available to other employees with spouses.
Give consideration in the work environment For transgender employees, it is recommended to use working names, conduct health checks on an individual basis, and provide gender neutral toilets.
Promote understanding of LGBT issues in society
  • Participate in forums and other events related to LGBT issues, and introduce KDDI initiatives as examples
  • Make donations to LGBT support groups
Apply changes to au "Family Discount" and other services Apply family-oriented services, such as the au "Family Discount," to include same-sex partners when formal certification of the same-sex partnership is provided.

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